What is a Morse taper?
The Morse taper (MK) (also: Morse taper or location sleeve) is the standardized form of a tool taper for clamping tools in the tool holder of a machine tool. The torque transmission from the hollow taper of the driven tool spindle to the shank of the tool clamping in it is frictionally engaged by static friction. The Morse taper is available in seven sizes from MK0 to MK6. They are standardized according to DIN 228 part 1 and 2. The average angle of inclination is 1°26′. In addition to this Morse taper series, DIN 228 also standardizes 2 smaller (4 and 6 mm) and 5 larger metric tapers (ME) (80 to 200 mm).
Morse tapers are available in the following 4 forms:
Form A (shank) and C (sleeve) with tightening thread for fastening
Form B (shaft) and D (sleeve) with ejector tab on shaft and slot in sleeve for ejector wedge.
Morse taper or also cone mandrel can be found in our shop.